Prezi Pro Multilingual

Sunday, December 04, 2016
Facilities and software features Prezi Pro:
- Ability to work offline and save files in PC

- File upload their own user account for remote access and easily share them with your friends and colleagues

- Highly functional capabilities for use in meetings and conferences industrial, commercial, educational

- Supports many scientific symbols and definitions for specialized use in schools and universities

- Attractive and friendly environment to influence the listener

- Can be installed on most operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS

- The ability to sync between multiple devices software

required system
: Operating Systems

Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Server® 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (including 64 bit editions) with Service Pack 2, Windows 7, or Windows 8 Classic

: Recommended Hardware

CPU: 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor, or Intel Atom ™ 1. 6 GHz or faster processor for netbook class devices

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