Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Based on the Paradigm® Epos® data management infrastructure, Geolog applications work directly on data stored in Epos and third-party well databases., including Petrel* seismic to simulation software.  There’s no need for data duplication. Also, when used with Paradigm StratEarth® for geological interpretation and SKUA® model-building solutions, users have access to the most comprehensive toolset available for exploration and development geologists.

* is a mark of Schlumberger

Geolog features include:

  • Multi-well, multi-zone data management
  • Support for multi-user environments
  • A single integrated environment for all petrophysical work
  • Single-click access to full functionality integrated geosteering
  • Audit trail, including ability to query the history of any individual log

Supported operating systems include:
• Windows Vista
• Windows XP
• Windows 7
CPU minimum dual core x86_64 architecture
Memory minimum 4GB.
Display resolution recommended 1920 x 1080 or highe 
                                                      Download Here

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Download link is not working.
pls send it to me.


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