MITCalc 1.7

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

If you're a mechanical engineer, if Mhsvlyd designer, technical or even you are a student and need technical calculations in its specialized branches are. On the other hand you do not want to spend (which is excluded in Iran) and more importantly a lot of time working with the software to install and heavy as Aynvntvr to the field of mechanics, AutoCAD engineering software for mapping and other spending. You can use the software MITCalc efficiently. This app collects a wide range of computational tools for different fields of engineering, allows for a very simple everyday computing.

The Excel application, and if you've worked with Excel environment working with this familiar environment because the environment is very easy to see. MITCalc is capable of a variety of calculations related to the design and evaluation for various tasks including: calculation of gears such as internal gear, external gear, bevel gear, worm-shaped, planetary gears, calculations the fan belt, roller equipment, shafts, fitting bolts, welds and other calculations related to various technical formulas to do.

We recommend if you want a compact and versatile tool engineering calculations MITCalc once you try.

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