Flow Science FLOW-3D 11.2 x64 / Linux64

Saturday, December 03, 2016

FLOW-3D computational fluid dynamics to simulate one of the most important products is the many-body physics objects FLOW SCIENCE offered by the company. The global distribution of power and high accuracy since 1985 and has offered different versions of it to the engineering community. FLOW-3D vision brings precision engineering in the context of multi-physics fluid processes. Solutions for thermal energy transfer, is 6 times greater freedom in the interaction of fluids and surfaces and analysis of mechanical and thermal stress tests of the outstanding features of this application is considered. These capabilities, along with advanced algorithms to detect fluids with free surfaces has led TruVOF FLOW-3D simulation software ideal for research, design and related manufacturing processes.

FLOW-3D is a comprehensive software package for installation, simulation and post-processing processes 

Flow Science supports FLOW-3D on 64-bit Windows and Linux platforms.
Supported Operating Systems
x86-64 (Intel / AMD)
Operating Systems
64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012
64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and SUSE 11 *
* Starting with FLOW-3D version 11.0.3, SUSE Linux is no longer a supported platform.
Support for users who have installed FLOW-3D on "compatible" Linux distributions (such as Fedora, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu) will be provided only when a problem can be RedHat and Novell enterprise-class Reproduced on Flow Science's Linux distributions.

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