Bentley Substation V8i SS7

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bentley Substation software to design electrical sub-stations. With this software, you can pay up to 40 percent faster to produce and design lets you combine the electrical and physical design. The features of this software can be used to avoid duplication, reducing errors, increasing collaboration with related three-dimensional layout and electrical tracing noted.

  • Construction and increased speed in operations by sharing three-dimensional model generated in software Bentley
  • Create intelligent models: Focus on the design process of a smart model rather than a set of separate design. Creating a three-dimensional model of a database intelligent objects
  • Physical production plan sub-station: three-dimensional projects using equipment from a catalog of objects, using three-dimensional tool for basic network design, lightning protection, analysis and cables.
  • Design protection and control sub-station production related and cross-reference charts, wiring diagrams, schematics and surface of the panel, saving time and increasing the quality of the automatic wire numbering, labeling machine, Czech error and ...
  • Estimates of sub-station: create automated reports that any three-dimensional object database with parts and electrical symbols together. Accurate bills of material, wire length report, lists the purchase order and ...
  • Delivery of construction sub-station production: construction of two-dimensional maps automatically Saab station wagon, three-dimensional model, define and publish the plan, elevation and isometric views using the customizable design templates that promote the standardization of the company.

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