EViews Enterprise Edition 9.5 Build 2016-12-21

Thursday, December 29, 2016 Add Comment
EViews Enterprise Edition 9.5 Build 2016-12-21
Description EViews (abbreviation E Conometric Views ) of the top software specialized in econometrics and statistics. The software to academic researchers, companies, government agencies (and private), students, students and general audiences are powerful tools for all statistical,...

iMobie AnyTrans x86 / x64 / 5.3.2 macOS

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 Add Comment
iMobie AnyTrans x86 / x64 / 5.3.2 macOS
Description AnyTrans software for iPad users that allows you to transfer, backup and manage iPhone files, iPad and iCloud provides in a single location. After installing the program will allow complete management of content IOS devices, with AnyTrans to control and move...

MITCalc 1.7

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 Add Comment
MITCalc 1.7
Description If you're a mechanical engineer, if Mhsvlyd designer, technical or even you are a student and need technical calculations in its specialized branches are. On the other hand you do not want to spend (which is excluded in Iran) and more importantly a lot of time...


Monday, December 26, 2016 Add Comment
Description Dreamweaver software, including programs that the company acquired Macromedia by Adobe, was in possession of the company. Adobe Dreamweaver software is the professional web design with advanced facilities has in many cases surpass their competitors. The program...

3Dsurvey 2.1.10

Sunday, December 04, 2016 1 Comment
3Dsurvey 2.1.10
For proper function of this program is sufficient to fairly-quality pictures with a camera given to it. The only inconvenience that remains for you to take pictures of the area which is also connected with a GoPro camera on the UAV or helicopter shots of birds is resolved....

Unity Pro 5.5.0f3 x86 / x64 / macOS

Sunday, December 04, 2016 Add Comment
Unity Pro 5.5.0f3 x86 / x64 / macOS
Description Unity software or video games Unity3D design and manufacture a complete set, consisting of a powerful game engine and development environment programming and development. It's easy to do because most of the games in the graphical environment and low utilization...

Prezi Pro Multilingual

Sunday, December 04, 2016 Add Comment
Prezi Pro Multilingual
Facilities and software features Prezi Pro: - Ability to work offline and save files in PC - File upload their own user account for remote access and easily share them with your friends and colleagues - Highly functional capabilities for use in meetings and conferences...

Final Cut Pro X 10.3.1 Multilangual MacOSX

Sunday, December 04, 2016 Add Comment
Final Cut Pro X 10.3.1 Multilangual MacOSX
Description Final Cut Pro is a powerful video editor for Mac OS. With this program, Mac users can edit any type of video that is compatible with QuickTime and editing. Which includes various formats such as DV, HDV, P2 MXF (DVCProHD), XDCAM (via plug-in), 2K, 4K and 5K...

Pix4D Pix4Dmapper Pro 2.0.104 macOS

Sunday, December 04, 2016 Add Comment
Pix4D Pix4Dmapper Pro 2.0.104 macOS
Description Pix4Dmapper software is efficient for short-range aerial photogrammetry. Photogrammetry or Tsvyrsnjy knowledge and technology related to Earth and its environment extract information from images taken with the camera. This science, air and expression of considerable...

Flow Science FLOW-3D 11.2 x64 / Linux64

Saturday, December 03, 2016 Add Comment
Flow Science FLOW-3D 11.2 x64 / Linux64
Description FLOW-3D computational fluid dynamics to simulate one of the most important products is the many-body physics objects FLOW SCIENCE offered by the company. The global distribution of power and high accuracy since 1985 and has offered different versions of it...

Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.50

Saturday, December 03, 2016 Add Comment
Leica Mintec MineSight 3D v9.50
Description MineSight software for mapping and drilling operations mines. This product answers to all your needs in the field of mining. This program is in the process of extraction of surface and subsurface minerals, metals, coal, sand and other materials, and engineers will...

Adobe Animate CC 2017 16.0 (x64) Multilingual

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe Animate CC 2017 16.0 (x64) Multilingual
Description Adobe Animate CC Adobe Flash Professional software is the new name of the web standards support. There is a feature Adobe Animate CC: Convert Flash to HTML5-based ads or ads created from the beginning, optimized for browsers Export for 4k to ensure a good...

Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 v21.0.0 Multilingual Win / Mac

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 v21.0.0 Multilingual Win / Mac
Description After the acquisition of Macromedia by Adobe, the company decided that the old software development Freehand that was a vector drawing program, stopped and instead add its features to Illustrator software; Adobe Illustrator is one of the oldest and greatest software...

Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 v18.0.0 Win / Mac

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 v18.0.0 Win / Mac
Description Photoshop is definitely the most famous and one of the best software to edit all kinds of documents, graphics, and few there whose name has not heard and graphic designer who worked with did not. Early versions of Photoshop for the Macintosh operating system...

Adobe InDesign CC 2017 12.0 Multilingual Win/Mac

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe InDesign CC 2017 12.0 Multilingual Win/Mac
Description D esk t op P Ublishing or simply meant DTP and desktop publishing, the collection processes such as typesetting, layout, design and printing Using the computer is said. This is one of the most famous and best software program Adobe Indesign Adobe PageMaker software...

Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 Build 9314 Win / Mac

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 Build 9314 Win / Mac
Description Dreamweaver software, including programs that the company acquired Macromedia by Adobe, was in possession of the company. Adobe Dreamweaver software is the professional web design with advanced facilities has in many cases surpass their competitors. The program...

Adobe Prelude CC 2017 v6.0.0 (142) X64 Multilanguage

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Adobe Prelude CC 2017 v6.0.0 (142) X64 Multilanguage
Description Another of the company's products Adobe, Adobe Prelude software is a management tool for sorting and organizing videos is. With this program, which is in fact a tool for Premiere Pro program (such as the role the program plays Bridge for Photoshop), the classification...

GS Engineering & Construction AFES 3.0.070809

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
GS Engineering & Construction AFES 3.0.070809
Description AFES comprehensive software for design and analysis is the foundation of buildings and structures. With this program include structural steel, concrete and designed. Software AFES of structural codes ACI 318, BS8110, KCI, GB 50007 support. You can also geometric...

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 1 Cluster Edition

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 1 Cluster Edition
programming, profiler and also features several analyzers for analysis and optimization of codes, the addition of a powerful debugger to troubleshoot the software code can not be walked, the Intel Parallel Studio is the easiest way fast and reliable next-generation processors...

IHS Kingdom Advanced 2016.1 v10.1 Build 130 x64

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
IHS Kingdom Advanced 2016.1 v10.1 Build 130 x64
Description IHS Kingdom's creative software in the field of earth sciences or Zhyvsayns. It is used as a leading product in different industries and have been major developments such as maps and dynamic updates, automatically separating and identifying roads on the map, three-dimensional...

SAP PowerDesigner x86 / x64

Saturday, November 05, 2016 Add Comment
SAP PowerDesigner x86 / x64
SAP PowerDesigner a leading software in the field of  management for architecture, data  and architecture information and architectural organization  and  modeling data . This software is capable of with most programming environments such as .NET, Java,...