Topcon Tools 8.2.3 + Link 8.2.3

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Topcon Tools software for synchronization and improved superb views of mapping devices. The app is very simple and is designed simply on a variety of systems and different versions of Windows installed.

The software is able to receive and process information from a variety of GNSS receivers. The software also allows you to process data from other devices and receivers on sight. All incoming data is stored in a software project and is accessed and modified at any time. The software supports a variety of geographic coordinate systems, and users can choose their preferred settings section coordinates. You can enter data in different formats or output. For example, data from the receivers can get support and after edits and changes to the output of a receiver get another.

Features and Topcon Tools:
Support for mapping and data collection devices topcon
Modular program
Having Modules Total Station, RTK, Post Processing, GIS, Design, and Imaging modules
Skhsy possible and adapt to your workflow
View your business on the map, Equipment, Google Earth, a table, CAD or three-dimensional

os: windows xp / vista 
CPU: Intel pentium 1.0 ghz or faster 
ram: 512 (1gb recommended) 
hard: 300 mb of available hard Deisk space 
monitor: 17 and higher (256 colors) 
connectivity: Usb2 port

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