OLI Systems Software for simulation of thermodynamics electrolyte and corrosion in water. Applications will be available OLI make progress in science. OLI Systems developed a software solution in the chemical process industry based on technological advances in order to predict the thermo-physical properties and corrosion in electrolytic processes.
Stream Analyzer: The easiest access to the electrolyte thermodynamics. Features of the program point balance calculations, calculation Check Point for analysis of temperature, pressure, pH is.
Corrosion Analyzer: developed to help material scientists, metallurgists and process engineers to understand the effects of corrosion in contact with a metal surface. Starting with the insight provided by ion distribution in steam, water, solid and liquid. Corrosion Analyzer technical calculations of stability, the overall calculation of uniform corrosion, localized corrosion index calculation, calculate the remaining life based on the depth of the pit in front of Arah time data.
There is a feature OLI Systems:
The chemical corrosion: the corrosion and corrosion potential can be automatically cast to choose from, including carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel-based alloys, copper alloys, aluminum predicted.
Localized corrosion tendency calculated for the alloy corrosion potential and passivation
Statistics infinite (EVS): long-term forecasts of localized corrosion based on short-term or medium-
Operating System
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Server - the 2,003th, the 2,008th, 2008 R2, 2 012, 2,012 R2
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